ThisBLOGhas been a part of my life for 3 years. I've shared almost everything on it... but it just occured to me Ive never actually shared my first name... its Rodd!!! Soooo uhhhm... nice to meet you all lol. I've enjoyed writing the BLOGbut the inspiration behind its words is just not there anymore. So for the time being, I will end it here... until I find that inspiration again.
There has been4,786 visitors from 47 countries that have read my crap lol. Here's the top 10 that I'll share with you now...
United States
United Kingdom
From the bottom of my heart, I thank each and every one of you for the comments, emails and kind words. I truly hope that every visitor got a few smiles, laughs... or maybe even just challenged to think about something a little differently to what you had before. But for now the BLOG has served its purpose.
Of course I cant leave you without one last song. It's one of my ALL TIME FAVOURITES and a song that I always seem to relate too. No words are needed to describe it... the lyrics tell the story and the feeling perfectly.....
Losing my best mate Tex really changed me... but for the better. It settled me down somewhat... and I stopped worrying about little things I cant control. Like the TV remote dying tonight... before I would have probably cracked the shits and thrown it out the window LOL. But now these little things dont bother me anymore. Cus there is much more important things in life :-)
Thats all tonight... just wanted to post something about good old Tex. Its 1 year since he died tonight so I just felt I wanted to honour him. And apologise to my brother for adding a photo of him here on my blog... WAA HAHA he's gonna kill me hehe!!
UGLY BASTARD... isn't he?? My brother I mean... not the dog :-p Now he's REALLY gonna kill me :-D
3 things that made me smile this week... 1) The super excited little girl beside me on her first flight today 2) M & D snoring in unison on the lounge together last night 3) The SMS my best mate sent me that was intended for his wife
3 moments this week that I'd rather have back... 1) Burning my nose hairs trying to light a cigarette 2) Trying to walk through a glass door... that was closed!!! 3) Sitting down on a Virgin Australia flight with some work collegues and proudly announcing "This is my first time inside a virgin" LOL
3 things I wanted to punch this week... 1) My laptop 2) My phone 3) The glass door that I walked into
3 places that I'd rather be tonight... 1) Cairo, Eygpt 2) Lauterbrunnen, Switzerland 3) Bohol, Philippines 3 quotes I like this week...
Had to happen sooner or later... I finally make YOUTUBE but I have SPAGHETTI hanging from my nose LMAO!!! Big thanks to my friend Quinny as his gf Betsy for making this little movie... showing all our fun times in Bohol and Cebu. Perfect song choice too Quinny :-p
I was lucky enough to visit the Philippines twice over the last 6 months. The first time I went there for a reason... and the second time I just went there. Both visits have very special memories for me, but for very different reasons. The second visit... was to Cebu and Bohol. I was really suprised at how beautiful Bohol was... the people there were soooooo friendly :-) Actually I discovered a little beach over there called Alona Beach on Pangloa Island. Alona is just a small beach... you can walk along it in 10 minutes. They say Boracay is the best beach in the Philippines... some say the world. But Alona is not far behind. Its not so crowded like Boracay... the beach music is more soft and relaxing. Its such a happy place... I was so relaxed there if somebody punched me in the face... I probably would have just said "oh thankyou sir" LOL.
So who knows where the Happy Traveller Bar will turn up... maybe Thailand like the plan always was. Or maybe now Alona Beach in the Philippines is where my future is. I cant decide that now... but we'll see where life takes me in the next year or so...
LOOOOOOOVE you Bohol :-) I'll be back... hopefully next timewith a GIRL hehe
You know, ive been thinking about Tex tonight... I cant believe it, he has already been gone for 8 months... but Im still thinking about him every day. For sure some people who read this will think "this guy is effin crazy he is talking about a dog"... and thats ok. I dont expect everybody to understand. But Tex was the only thing that didnt leave me in the last 15 years. He was with me through marriages, divorces, deaths, the happiest and saddest times in my life... he was just always there with his unconditional love. So he was my inspiration for as long as I can remember.
Ever since I lost him... I lost little spark in my life... its hard to explain. Its almost like a little bit of energy has gone from my body and I dont know how to get it back. But maybe its good and fair that I feel that way... maybe Im never supposed to find that spark again. Maybe when he died... he took that spark with him. He took that little part of me with him... and I can never get that back.
But you know what... I want him to have it!!! Its his to keep forever... a special part of my heart that only ever existed in the first place... cus he was in my life. So maybe he always owned it to begin with...
And thats ok with me... just as long as he knows... Ive also got a special part of him that Im never gonna give back too :-) TEX yr STILL with me mate!!
You know...I've been thinking about life tonight... and the many choices we are faced with every day that shape our life.
God it would be good to be a child again... my Mum would say I still am ;-) A child looks at life with very easy eyes. They always decide everything with their heart. If something feels good... they just do it!!
They dont worry about the future... or what others tell them. They just follow their heart and find out for themself. Sure hearts are sometimes wrong, maybe sometimes stupid also. But to follow your heart is the only way to live life without regret!
The Samurai used to be regarded as honourable. But now the only tradition you can lay claim to with any valour is your pathetic whaling traditions. You've raped and pillaged your own oceans to death for centuries and now see fit to travel halfway around the world to kill ours! And now you wanna preach to US about ethics and the respecting of other countries traditions... PFFFFFTTT!!!!!! You have absolutely no conservation ethic at all and we aint going away Japan. Assholes.
The theory is... if a person is 1 step away from each person they know... then they are 2 steps away from each person who is known by one of the people they know. Therefore EVERYONE is... at the most... SIX steps away from ANYPERSONon the PLANET.
Hmmmmm... that means I am SIX steps away from the President of the United States. Ok... so lets just say I wanted to invite good ol' BAZZABarrack Obama over to my house for a game of chess... Well the first person I'd call would probably be my friend in the Australian Navy. He... I'd imagine... would then call the highest ranking Navy official he knows personally... which Id guess would be the Commander of the boat he is on. Thats TWO steps already.
Ok... the Commander of his boat would then likewise call the highest ranking Navy official he knows... which likely would be the Admiral of the entire Australian Navy. Now... its safe to assume that Mr all important Australian Admiral would have access to his counterpart in the US Navy. So thats FOUR steps. I can feel it, we're getting close... I can smell the President already!!!
Now... Mr US Navy Admiral would definately have the number for the US Secretary of Defense... Robert Gates. Thats FIVE... but we've already reached Robert Gates!!!!! And HOLY SHIT... me good mate ROBBO has GOTTA HAVE BAZZAS number!!!!! SURELY!!!
WOOOOOT... it works!!! Bloody hell Im gonna be playing chess with the President!!!!!!! The SIX Steps Of Seperation works!!!!
Quick STEVO... hurry back from Navy duties will ya!!! Mate I need ya to call yr Navy buddies... they're gonna get ROBBO and BAZZA on the blower for me!!! And we're all gonna play chess at my house!!! OHSHIT... NO WAIT!!!I need to buy some cheese and crackers!!! LOL.... LOL....I need sleep GOODNIGHT WORLD :-)
OK where to start with this?? I really dunno except I was bored at home a while back and posted a "Note in a Bottle" blurb here on my blog. I honestly did not think it would lead to anything special... it was just my thoughts at the time. But as it turned out... somebody on the other side of the world read the note and claimed it for HER. Which I was happy about... cus I likedHER. And somehow... that little note... became a big story. I first met HER online... the first time I saw HER on web-cam she was sitting around drinking beer with HER friends and laughing. Instantly I liked HER lol. We chatted almost every night after this... about anything and everything. We kinda became inseparable. Some days at work I caught myself wishing I was home on the computer talking to HER... its funny how you can miss a person you've never actually met in real life. After counting down the weeks, I was in Makati... phone in hand... trying to find HER... it was like a dream!! I still remember the moment I saw HER for the first time... and HER eyes!!! The girl with the smiling face that wished me goodnight almost every night for months... was real. Officially real and standing in front of me. Still smiling. Like I was. The next 10 days I spent with HER... we were shy at first... but then we just clicked... HER smile and warm heart made me feel safe. And HER easy going nature made for many crazy moments. But it was the simple moments I enjoyed with HER the most... sharing dinner with HER at the Tiki Bar. Laying in bed with HER chatting away at night. We shared everything together... even typhoons lol. I told HER my biggest secrets... and she told me HERs. I trusted HER not to run away. And she gave me HER heart. I thought my note had found the right person. Maybe it was just luck... or maybe it was destiny. All I know is "Note in a Bottle" had become a real life story. Then one day she just walked out of my life... with no warning... and no real explanation. Yep... just like that. I thought I knew HER... the girl that had talked to me for what felt like forever. The one girl I always felt safe with... HER... just walked away. And made me question what I did wrong. I did not understand... maybe a better man than me found HER. Or maybe she thought I was not coming back for HER. The truth is I had already booked my flight to come back for HER. The truth is I missed HER like crazy when I was in Thailand. The truth is I wanted to answer yes to HER question she asked me on the plane. The truth is I wanted HER to be forever. By the time this blog finds HER eyes... and she reads this... I'll be sitting on a plane flying back to Sydney. YOU should be sitting beside me. But the truth is I could never trust YOU enough... to not just walk away from me again.
Life goes on.... GOODNIGHT SWANNY......... one last time.
Recently a 50 something year old woman arrived at her seat on a crowded Qantas flight from Sydney to Singapore and refused to sit in her seat. The seat was next to a black man. Disgusted, the woman immediately called the flight attendant and demanded a new seat. The woman said "I cannot sit here next to this black man." Mortified, the flight attendant politely said "Let me see if I can find another seat."After checking, the flight attendant returned and said to the women "Mam, there are no more seats in economy, but I will check with the Captain and see if there is a seat available in first class." About 10 minutes later, the flight attendant returned again and said "Captain has confirmed that there are no more seats in economy". Pausing for a moment, the flight attendant continued... "But there is one in first class. It is our company policy to never move a person from economy to first class, but it would be a scandal to force somebody to sit next to an UNPLEASANT person… so the Captain agreed to change the seat to first class." Before the woman could say anything, the flight attendant turned to the black man and said… "Therefore sir, if you would so kindly retrieve your personal items, we would like to move you to the comfort of first class as the Captain doesn't want you to sit next to an unpleasant person." Passengers in the seats nearby began to applause while some gave a standing ovation!!