06 February, 2012

Six Degrees Of Separation...

The theory is... if a person is 1 step away from each person they know... then they are 2 steps away from each person who is known by one of the people they know. Therefore EVERYONE is... at the most... SIX steps away from ANY PERSON on the PLANET.

Hmmmmm... that means I am SIX steps away from the President of the United States.
Ok... so lets just say I wanted to invite good ol' BAZZA Barrack Obama over to my house for a game of chess...
Well the first person I'd call would probably be my friend in the Australian Navy. He... I'd imagine... would then call the highest ranking Navy official he knows personally... which Id guess would be the Commander of the boat he is on. Thats TWO steps already.

Ok... the Commander of his boat would then likewise call the highest ranking Navy official he knows... which likely would be the Admiral of the entire Australian Navy. Now... its safe to assume that Mr all important Australian Admiral would have access to his counterpart in the US Navy. So thats FOUR steps. I can feel it, we're getting close... I can smell the President already!!!

Now... Mr US Navy Admiral would definately have the number for the US Secretary of Defense... Robert Gates. Thats FIVE... b
ut we've already reached Robert Gates!!!!! And HOLY SHIT... me good mate ROBBO has GOTTA HAVE BAZZAS number!!!!! SURELY!!!

WOOOOOT... it works!!! Bloody hell Im gonna be playing chess with the President!!!!!!! The SIX Steps Of Seperation works!!!!

Quick STEVO... hurry back from Navy duties will ya!!! Mate I need ya to call yr Navy buddies... they're gonna get ROBBO and BAZZA on the blower for me!!! And we're all gonna play chess at my house!!!

OH SHIT... NO WAIT!!! I need to buy some cheese and crackers!!!

LOL.... LOL.... I need sleep

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