14 February, 2013

Made For Each Other...

Two of my closest friends... Quinny and Betsy... are about to tie the knot back home in Australia. And I couldn't be more proud of them both... this little blog is serving as a good luck message as unfortunately I can't be there for their special day.

Which is probably a good thing for both of them... as after spending many nights travelling with them in the Philippines... I know all their embarrassing stories from travelling in the holiday spirit. But wedding speeches are traditionally embarrassing for the bride and groom right?? So guys... if you thought I was gonna let either of you off lightly here... think again hehe ;-) In fact, I have a photo of Quinny snoring on the sofa at our Cebu Hotel foyer... don't worry mate I'll save you the torture ;-) And I'm sure Betsy would already be giggling at the very thought of THAT photo appearing on this BLOG hehe LOL ;-) But that's a testament to the amazing couple they are... they can laugh at each other like best mates do... but underneath that is a deep love and respect that I have personally witnessed over the last year. 

When Quinny first told me about Betsy... I was still in Sydney at the time, and had no idea what to expect when I met her a few days later. The moment I saw them together... 2 things became clear-

1) They had something unique and very special together.
2) Betsy was on the happy gas.

Well it didn't take long to discover Betsy's bubbly personality and infectious laugh was genuine & something that lights up a room. And never had I seen Quinny so happy... the more I got to know them as a couple, the more it became apparent that they were made for each other like Strawberry & Cream. Or in our case... Vodka &^ Red Bull. 

Anyway I wish you both the very best of luck for the wedding. I truly wish I was there to help you celebrate. You are both wonderful friends to me personally, wonderful people and I'm grateful you are both in my life. You are both lucky to have each other. So enjoy the big day guys... and look forward to spending the rest of your lives together. And you know what that means... well for you Betsy it means enduring another 875,000 individual snores. And for you Quinny... it means enduring another 875,000 individual photos. Gawd help ya mate LOL ;-)

In all seriousness... I love YA BOTH. And wish you nothing but all the happiness and love in the world :-)      

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