15 August, 2011

Dear Tex...

I remember when you were just a little puppy... so cute and lazy
All you wanted to do all day, was play with me like crazy

Little I knew back then what a journey we were about to take
A man and his dog, an amazing bond we both were to make

Every night you’d lie by my side, the couch was always yours
You’d only leave my sight if you were off to clean your paws

Always would you run to me to play you’re favourite game
And how you’re ears stood up whenever I called you’re name

You’re endless loyalty, you’re love of life, for that I tip my hat
I promised I’d never give up on you; at least I owed you that

There’s not a person that met you, whose life you didn’t touch
You’re fighting spirit and will to live is why you’re loved so much

A thousand times you needed me; it’s why we are best friends
And its why I loved you all these years, my partner to the end

We’ve been together from the day 1, since you were a pup
If love alone could save u, then your time would never be up

I wish you’re ears could hear me and understand why I cry
I dont know how to live without you, all I can do is try 

Nobody can understands how you got into my heart so deep
But Im always gonna love you Tex... my final promise to keep

LOVE ya mate.... DAD