15 August, 2011

Dear Tex...

I remember when you were just a little puppy... so cute and lazy
All you wanted to do all day, was play with me like crazy

Little I knew back then what a journey we were about to take
A man and his dog, an amazing bond we both were to make

Every night you’d lie by my side, the couch was always yours
You’d only leave my sight if you were off to clean your paws

Always would you run to me to play you’re favourite game
And how you’re ears stood up whenever I called you’re name

You’re endless loyalty, you’re love of life, for that I tip my hat
I promised I’d never give up on you; at least I owed you that

There’s not a person that met you, whose life you didn’t touch
You’re fighting spirit and will to live is why you’re loved so much

A thousand times you needed me; it’s why we are best friends
And its why I loved you all these years, my partner to the end

We’ve been together from the day 1, since you were a pup
If love alone could save u, then your time would never be up

I wish you’re ears could hear me and understand why I cry
I dont know how to live without you, all I can do is try 

Nobody can understands how you got into my heart so deep
But Im always gonna love you Tex... my final promise to keep

LOVE ya mate.... DAD

30 July, 2011

Good Luck Lantern....

Thailand has a tradition that I love sooooo much...they release a lantern for good luck!! The idea is you make 1 wish... when the lantern takes flight... it takes away all your problems. And brings you back only good luck!!
Have a nice flight....
Hmmm if its not too much trouble... can you also bring me back some BEER... and a GIRL please!
THANK YOU hehe :-p


You missed that one.... DIDNTI YA!!!


24 July, 2011

Beer Drinking Cave Man

Male friendships are weird... we show affection very differently to our female counterparts. We have our own special caveman language... that only men can understand LOL.

My best mate Luke called tonight and his opening line was ''Gday Monkey Nuts''. My response was ''Hey Elephant Shit, how are ya mate?''. Perfectly normal behaviour for us LOL. Our male minds believe the more disgusting of a greeting we can conjure up, the better. It doesn't mean we dont get sentimental... we do. But as a species we are too homophobic to hug each other like girls do... the thought of facial hair touching is just not right. So we avoid man hugs like the plague. But our friendship is so much more than just beer drinking cavemen that wave fire torches around. I still remember practicing good old 'Elephant Shits best-man speech for his wedding a thousand times over cus I wanted it just perfect for him. And I still remember the night he spent 8 hours on the phone to me when I needed him the most. Friendships with girls... are totally different. My closest female friend is proof that caveman and girl can have a close friendship without going down the 'friends with benifits' road. I've known her 7 years... but we've been through so much shit together it honestly feels more like 20. We've worked together twice, been camping together and been each others drinking buddies forever. We spent 6 weeks in Canada together, and have travelled to Europe, Singapore and Vanuatu together. We've slept in the same bed more times than I can possibly remember. Have we SLEPT TOGETHER??? Not once. Never. Dont believe me... LOL you wouldn't be the only one. And no... she is not gay, doesn't have a moustache and weighs a lot less than 284 kg. She is actually a very attractive girl. And yes, all my male organs work just fine thank you very much. Its just the way our friendship is. To be honest... I'd be lying if I said the thought had never crossed my mind, but Im sure she'd say the same thing. But you know what... its just awesome to have a female friend who I can chat in bed with and not worry about anything.
MALE and FEMALE friendships.... SAME SAME.... BUT DIFFERENT :-)

22 July, 2011

21 July, 2011

Best Love Song Ever Written???

My life is brilliant
My love is pure
I saw an angel
Of that I'm sure
She smiled at me on the subway
She was with another man
But I won't lose no sleep on that
Cus I've got a plan

You're beautiful... You're beautiful
You're beautiful... It's true
I saw your face in a crowded place
And I don't know what to do
Cus I'll never be with you.....

Yeah she caught my eye
As I walked on by
She could see from my face
That I was
fucking high
And I don't think that I'll see her again
But we shared a moment that will last until the

You're beautiful... You're beautiful
You're beautiful... It's true

I saw your face in a crowded place
And I don't know what to do
Cus I'll never be with you.....

You're beautiful... You're beautiful
You're beautiful... It's true
There must be an angel with a smile on her face
When she thought up that I should be
with you
But it's time to face the truth
I will never be with you.....

Best love song ever written???

23 May, 2011

Handy Travel Tip....

U can open locked airplane toilet doors by sliding the lever under the lavatory sign until it moves from the OCCUPIED to VACANT position... Perfect if you've had too many beers!!

07 May, 2011

A Dogs Loyalty...

Hidden among the skyscrapers and neon lights at Tokyo's Shibuya station, there is a small bronze statue of a dog... a Japanese Akita dog name Hachi. This statue holds an amazing story...

In the 1920's... a Japanese professor, found this little puppy abandoned in a cage on his way home from work. Not knowing what to do... he took the puppy home and named him 'Hachi'. From this day on, they became inseparable friends. Every morning, Hachi would walk the professor down to Shibuya station... where he would leave for work. And every afternoon at 4pm, the dog would walk back down to the station to greet his owner again. This happy routine continued until one fateful day, when sadly... the professor took ill at work and died.

That day... Hachi patiently waited at the station as he always did... for his owner. The 4pm train came... and went. But of course the professor wasn't getting off the train to greet his loyal dog anymore. Not giving up on his owner, Hachi continued to wait. He waited at the same spot... at the same time... every day... for 10 years!! On March 8, 1935, Hachi also died and finally went to meet his owner. He died on the very same spot he last saw the professor alive...

Its a TRUE story... GOODNIGHT WORLD :-)

27 April, 2011

My Note in a Bottle...

I dont know where U are... or even what country U live. But U are out there somewhere... and Im wondering what it is that U are doing right now. Maybe U are having a coffee... or maybe U are on a beach somewhere in Asia. I dont know if we have already met... or have not met... know each other... or not. But right now... U are doing something... just like I am doing something. And I'm wondering what that is. I hope our life will cross soon... and when it does... I'm going to show U this note. So U will know... at this moment in my life... I was thinking about U. And maybe, just maybe... you can also remember... if U were thinking about ME too... at 4:01pm on 27th April 2011.

Wouldn't that be SOMETHING :-)

24 January, 2011

Single Again....

Well talk about having my heart ripped out... but you know what, its not gonna kill me, I wont let it. A good friend said to me yesterday-

"When one door of happiness closes, another opens.... but often we look sooo long at the closed door that we don't see the door that has been opened for us"

Good advice me thinks.... and I know there is someone else out there in the world for me.

The Happy Traveller aint giving up on LOVE just yet... GOODNIGHT WORLD :-)