19 November, 2009

Ahhh Screw It....

Im BACK!!! Ok what can I say I missed writing my own blog. Stupid blog. Another f%*&!! modern technology addiction to go along with Facebook and MSN Chat...

Then there was MySpace... remember that? God I was the last of all my friends to join... and then BAM... Facebook comes along. Now there is this Twitter thing too. Plus faxes, emails, phones ARGHHHH its too much! Seriously... can the entire planet please settle on 1 form of cyber-communication and STICK WITH IT.

Sometimes I just feel like moving to a remote mountain village in Mongolia an
d becoming a Yak herder... what an easy life that would be!!! I could spend my days pimping out my Yak instead of my Facebook page... you know give him a mo-hawk... maybe paint him blue or someting. Then sit around a campfire at night with other Yak herders drinking locally brewed wine from fermented Yak shit... and chatting about whatever it is Yak herders like to chat about. Yeah that sounds perfect right about now. Well at least it would be until one of them pulls out their laptop and logs into Facebook... LOL. Ahhhh f'kenell... there is just no escape.

Yeah had a week I wanna forget... pulled a lady from a car-wreck on Saturday night and then a good mate's brothers wife was killed on Sunday. Walking the dog.

Walking the fucking dog.

RIP Kylie
where ever you are.....

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