22 July, 2013

Embarrassing Dreams

It take me 1 hour each way on the train to my office every morning. The one thing that keeps me entertained is all the people falling asleep in embarrassing positions every morning. Then waking up with shock when they realise they look retarded LOL

Then this morning it happened to me!!! I woke up with a shock and found my head resting on an old mans shoulder LOL!! Thank gawd I wasn't dribbling... haha. Fair dinkum I'm a dead set SUPERSTAR lol

Hehehe. Damn ;-)

21 July, 2013


G'day world, how are ya'all tonight :-) So I was just on Google, and found this amazing song... by RASCALL FLATTS. It really made me think... it's a very powerful song with a strong message.

You know, I remember 10 years ago, I was happily married, had 2 dogs, an awesome house that I had built for my wife that we both loved, and a garden that was my pride and joy. I had everything!! Then all that changed in the space of 2 weeks. My wife cheated on me, and we separated. Then I had to sell my house. One week after that, one of my dogs Rocky became sick, and he died. I was totally heartbroken. Everything that I loved in my life was taken away. It was just me and Tex left. He was everything I owned.

I remember clearly, the day I had to move out of my house... I was sitting outside my house with Tex. He was the only thing I had left. And I remember thinking... how can I ever build my life up again. I had nothing anymore. I didn't even know how I would survive the next day. I didn't know what to do!! I'm not a religious man... for sure with all my sins a church would collapse if I ever walked inside LOL. But at this moment, I remember looking up at the sky and asking God for a sign... a sign that somehow everything would be okay.   

Then... without reason... this damn butterfly came flying down... and it landed on Tex's nose!!! It just stayed there, and didn't move. Tex was so surprised .. but he didn't try to eat it. He just looked at this butterfly, sitting on his nose... and he went cross eyed LOL!!! It's the only time in my life I have seen a cross eyed dog haha!! It was effin' impossible not to laugh... and that is when I knew... some-how, some-way, everything will be okay. I just had to find things that made me laugh. I had to fight to get my life back again. And I was never gonna give up on that. Sometimes you just have to trust life, ya know. When I lost everything... a simple butterfly came to save my life!!!

Now my life is amazing... I live in paradise at Phuket, have a dream job, and get to travel the world. So where do I go for holidays... LOL... well thats the best part!!! I get to return home to beautiful Sydney to visit my family and friends. All because a butterfly angel decided to land on Mr Tex's nose!!

Life is ALWAYS worth the FIGHT.